Rain pours down on pedestrians walking around King's Square. Nov. 27, 2013 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Ahh.. the dreaded weather shot. When everyone else (for the most part) gets to sit in their cozy offices all day, photographers, vj's, reporters everywhere have to go outside and stand in the rain, the wind, the snow, and try to take pictures of the awful mess. It's something I would stress about, more so on the severely cold days, or during the many blizzards we experienced this past winter. When the police are advising people to stay off the roads, we are out there, trying to find the poor chap whose car is stuck in the street. Or freezing the f**k out of our fingers holding onto a metal camera in -30ºC to try and get a nice backlit cloud of steamy breath from someone walking by.
I swear, I've taken enough pictures of people shoveling that.. I don't even know how to end that sentence. What I'm trying to say is that it's too many. By the time February comes around, I'm so over it. The soaking wet gear, the car full of used tissues (used to dry off said gear) (also used to blow my runny nose), the cold feet. I've lost my shit many times. MANY TIMES. Somewhere, there is a city plow driver who saw me get out of my car, screaming while jumping up and down on the bumper, and kicking the wheels repeatedly because I was stuck in the street. He didn't come to my aid. He backed up his plow and went on to clear some other street. I don't blame him. I know how crazy I looked.
I'm mostly lamenting about winter, cause it's the WORST, but I have to say that the job RULES in the summertime. Oh, you need a weather shot today? Sweet, I'll just head over to the beach for a couple hours and see what I can find.
The sun finally came out just in time for the weekend in Saint John. Here, some people take advantage of it, and play some beach volleyball near the boardwalk uptown on Sunday. July 6, 2008 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Seven-year-old Nicolas Doucette, right, and his brother, JP Briggs, 3, play in the mud at the beach at the bottom of Sea Street on Monday morning. July 26, 2011 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Isaiah Smith, 10, Cedric Schofield, 9, and Ethan Walker, 10, jump off
the pier at Renforth Wharf on Friday afternoon. July 20, 2012 Photo:
Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Charlotte Payne, 5, goes face down in a stream of water at the splash pad in Rainbow Park. She was there to cool down with her parents and twin sister, Emily, left. Aug. 31, 2011 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Craig Lang and Alison Rodger kicked off their shoes to wade around the flooded dock at Renforth Wharf on Tuesday afternoon. April 30, 2013 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
A couple of girls fight against strong winds yesterday as they make their way across Carmarthan Street. April 18, 2006 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Ok, this next photo wasn't technically a 'weather shot' but I had to include it, because it's pretty great.
Kim McCumber laughs as her husband, Eric's hat flies off in a gust of wind. They are members of the Kingston Peninsula Heritage Choir, and sang at the 225th Anniversary of Mount Hope Farm in Grand Bay-Westfield Sunday. June 10, 2012 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
People fight with their umbrellas while walking around King's Square during a downpour on Friday. May 24, 2013 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
A lady splashes through an alleyway uptown, armed with an umbrella during a downpour. Sept. 5, 2012 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
People walk around in ponchos and armed with umbrellas uptown Wednesday during a downpour. Sept. 5, 2012 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Saint John received mostly warmer temperatures and rain on Wednesday. Dec. 3, 2014 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Arctic fog rolls over the harbour on Monday morning, which occurs when the air is a colder temperature then the water. Jan. 24, 2011 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Snow covered bushes and vines cover the castle on the corner of Sydney and Mecklenburg Streets. March 15, 2012 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
A broken tree hangs over the road in Latimer Lake. Dec. 24, 2013 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
A woman lifts a small child over a snow bank before jumping into a taxi uptown Monday. Saint John received another dumping of snow over the weekend. Feb. 18, 2013 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Jim Michaud shovels off the steps of the New Brunswick Museum on Douglas Avenue after a dumping of snow. Nov. 24, 2011 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Snow begins to fall Wednesday evening uptown. Nov. 26, 2014 Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Sharing my bummer situations on
Instagram helps lighten the mood. A bit.
Well, thanks for reading. I'm going to be blogging again on a regular basis. Though I'm not sure yet where I'll go with it, for now, I'll be writing about my past experiences on jobs in the field.
Ciao for now.
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