The Tinker known as 'Bear' at his small cabin in the woods in Southern New Brunswick. He was also known to many as the Blacksmith at Kings Landing near Fredericton, where he worked for many years. Bear passed away in 2014. This photo was taken in 2003, shot with TMAX 400 B&W film. It was part of a gallery show with the rest of the photography department at the Telegraph-Journal in 2008. Photo: Kâté Braydon |
It's hard to believe it's been three years since my last blog post. I know we all feel this way because we ask each other and ourselves this often, but, how does time go by so fast?
How is it that I've lived in Saint John for almost 10 years? It's cliché, but it really feels like it was just yesterday that I moved into an adorable, tiny apartment on Germain Street. I was feeling that wonderful sense of anticipation. A new city and a new job. A career, even! A career in my not-so-common, its-a-nice-hobby, field of study, in my home province.
I was excited to go to work every day. I remember that too. Sadly, I haven't felt that in a long time.
I gotta say, I really love my life in this city. I met my husband here, and I have the most thoughtful friends. I get to live next to the ocean. I can get anywhere in 15 minutes. There's always music on the weekends and festivals in the summer. I even like the fog. I've loved taking pictures of this city, and getting to know everyone in it.
All this to say, I'm feeling nostalgic. My job at the Telegraph-Journal was taken away from me one month ago. I worked there as a Photojournalist for just over nine years. It's been such a huge part of my identity for so long, that I'm struggling a bit.
I'm trying to decided what my next move will be. Should I go back to school? Freelance? Stay in Saint John, but look for a different career path? Or move on to a city where I can get work in the industry that I've dedicated half of my life to.
Unfortunately, this is a growing trend in the news business. Quality is being sacrificed everyday. The photography staff at many newspapers is being slashed, or eliminated all together, putting extra responsibility on reporters, who are already struggling to produce an extreme amount of copy. I understand that it's an enterprise that needs to make money, but the 'it's good enough' attitude is a slippery slope. Readers will lose respect.
I wanted to post this because I needed to remember that we used to have a lot of fun. I wanted that on the record. These are just a few pictures from a gallery show we called 'Pixels to Print: The Art of Photojournalism'. It opened at the Saint John Arts Centre in 2008. At that time, we had a nice, full photography staff of four. Now, there are none. Now, there are reporters who take pictures. And they'll do their best, and I'm sure they'll get some great stuff. Practice makes perfect, right? I wish them well.
A horse makes funny faces at five-year-old Lataya Hamilton (back) and four-year-old Jessica Wheaton, who sticks her tongue back out at him. They were at Rockwood Park visiting the stables with their babysitter. April 10, 2006. Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal
A group of workers rake cement around the foundation of the structure where a new Shoppers Drug Mart will be on Crown Street. April 26, 2006. Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
Darin Sullivan raises his arms in the air and gets emotional as missionary evangelist, Peter McDonald says a prayer for him. McDonald was visiting from Ontario, and only planned to stay in Fredericton for a few weeks. But when more and more people were coming to see him for healing, he ended up staying for months. Photo: Kâté Braydon/Daily Gleaner |
A young girl and a man watch as flames engulf a building on the corner of Duke and Sydney Streets on Dec. 7, 2005. Three fatalities were reported, and many more were left homeless. Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal
Lindsey Reinhart wanted to give birth to her second child with the help of a midwife. Living in Nova Scotia at the time, this option wasn't available. Reinhart decided to move her family to Frederic ton, NB, where she could have Hannah delivered by a midwife. On the right is her eldest son, Ira, 2. April 11, 2007. Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal |
World War II veteran Sam Bowland turned 93 on Remembrance Day in 2007. Known for his sharp memory, he tells a reporter stories of his time in the service, with much detail. Photo: Kâté Braydon/Telegraph-Journal
"Photojournalists work in images to paint the portrait of our times. The talented photographers of the Telegraph-Journal capture the essence of life in New Brunswick by training their cameras on the sights that define us as a community. Their artistry is in the seeing as well as the creation of fine photography. Through their lenses, we are offered a daily slideshow of the beauty, bravery, and brutality of modern life."
- Kathryn McCarroll, (former) Director, Saint John Arts Centre (2008)
Noel Chenier, Cindy Wilson, Peter Walsh and me. XO